July 2, 2024

From Tossing to Turning: Tackling Sleep Issues As We Age

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In this conversation, Tod and Joynier discuss the importance of sleep and ways to improve sleep hygiene. They cover topics such as the impact of sleep on workouts, the challenges of falling and staying asleep, and the changes in sleep patterns as you age. They also explore the role of nutrition, exercise, and bedtime routines in promoting better sleep. Additionally, they touch on the effects of caffeine and the importance of maintaining a consistent sleep schedule. The conversation discusses the changes in media consumption and the impact on sleep patterns. In the past, there were limited TV channels and late-night programming, leading to earlier bedtimes. Nowadays, with the abundance of content and easy access to sports events, people can stay up late watching TV, browsing the internet, or using their phones.

What is The Ageless Wonders?

The Ageless Wonders Podcast was born out of a shared passion
for unlocking the secrets to living life
to the fullest, regardless of age. Inspired by our own experiences and the desire to create a space where age is just a number, we embarked on this journey with a clear purpose - to help our listeners embrace every moment, every chapter, and every opportunity with enthusiasm and vitality.